Once your registration for Team Beef is received, you'll get an email with information on how to obtain your Team Beef running jerseys. You will be responsible for paying for your shirt. More Team Beef items are available for purchase on the Team Beef Colorado store! Additionally, 10% of the sales will go to the Beef Sticks for Backpacks program!
Your first reimbursement check will not be mailed until after July 1st
(the beginning of our fiscal year).
Here is the structure and how you’ll get reimbursed:
1st race you run: 50% of your reimbursement fee
2nd race you run: the second half of your first race and 100% of your 2nd race
3 or more races: full reimbursement upon completion of the race
Each team member has a yearly cap of $300, so please plan your races accordingly. You have 2 weeks from the date of the race to submit your reimbursement requests. All requests must be turned in by January 10, 2025.